
Tuesday 11 September 2012


·         AR
·         Associated mutations of the microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTP) gene
·         a.k.a. Acanthocytosis & Bassen-Kornzweig Syndrome
·         Pathology-
§  Failure to synthesize apolipoprotein B.
§  Lipolysis, micelle formation & Fatty acid uptake & reesterification is normal, but there is failure of removal of reesterified triglyceride from the epithelial cells due to absence of chylomicrons.
§  Lipid Membrane defects (acanthocytes/burr cells)
·         Histology- Normal mucosa appearance but postprandial appearance of vacuolated epithelial cells containing lipid (the vacuoles disappear following a prolonged period of either fat-free intake or fasting)
·         Clinical Features-
§  Present since birth
§  Severe fat malabsorption
§  <1 yr-
§   Failure to thrive & distention of abdomen.
§  Foul smelling, pale & bulky stools.
§  Rickets (mainly, due to steatorrhoea induced calcium loss & also due to Vit D deficiency)  
§  >10 yrs- (due to Vit E deficiency)
§  ↓IQ & Peripheral Neuropathy (first sign-loss of deep tendon reflexes)
§  Loss of position & vibration sense + Ataxia + intentional tremors (due to involvement of dorsal columns, cerebellum & basal ganglia)
§  In Adolescence-(due to Vit E deficiency) atypical Retinitis Pigmentosa (first sign- ↓night & color vision)
§  3rd-4th  decade- Severe ataxia & spasticity + complete blindness
§  Death by 5th decade.
·         Diagnosis-
§  Peripheral blood smear- Acanthocytes
§  Plasma biochemistry-
§  Plasma Cholesterol Levels- ↓↓ (<50mg/dl)
§  Plasma Triglyceride Levels - ↓↓ (<20mg/dl)
§  Complete absence of apoB containing lipoproteins (chylomicrons, VLDL & LDL) from plasma.
§  Small Intestinal biopsy
·         Treatment
§  Large supplements of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K [Vitamin E (100-200 mg/kg/24 hr) and vitamin A (10,000-25,000 IU/day) to arrest neurological & retinal degeneration]
§  Intake of medium-chain triglycerides to supplement the fat intake.

1 comment:

  1. We're looking for kidney donors for the sum of $500,000,00, For more details,Email:
