
Thursday, 9 August 2012


·         Due to incomplete closure of Vitellointestinal duct/ Omphalomesentric duct.
·         True Diverticulum (i.e. containing all the layers of bowel wall)
·         Location at antimesentric border around 60 cms prior to ileo-caecal junction.
·         Incidence:- Male=Female
·         Cells lining the vitellointestinal duct are ‘pleuripotent’, heterotopic tissue is often present. [Gastric Mucosa(50%) >> Pancreatic Mucosa(5%)  > Colonic Mucosa]

·         Clinical features-
o   Majority- Asymptomatic
o   In symptomatic cases-
§  Gastrointestinal bleed/hemorrhage
·         Most common presentation
·         Source- chronic acid induced ulcer in ileum adjacent to ‘gastric mucosa containing’ Meckel’s diverticulum
§  Intestinal obstruction
·         Volvulus of small intestine around diverticulum attached to abdominal wall with a fibrous band
·         Intussusception of diverticulum into ileum/colon (may cause acute obstruction)
·         Incarceration in Littre’s hernia
§  Diverticulitis
·         More common in adults
·         Clinically indistinguishable from appendicitis
§  Neoplasms
·         Benign- leomyoma, lipoma, angioma
·         Malignant- adenocarcinoma, carcinoid, sarcoid
·         Diagnosis- Scintigraphy

·         Treatment-
o   Asymptomatic-
§  Children- prophylactic resection
§  Adults- prophylactic resection done in selected patients
o   Symptomatic-
§  Resection anastomosis


  1. A blog I bumped lately, said that diverticulitis can be cured by diet and bed rest. Is it true?

    By: Calming Blends

    1. Hi Rusty, Diverticulitis is inflammation of diverticula associated with colon. The cause of formation of diverticuli in colon is not conclusively known, but still as they occur most commonly in sigmoid part of colon, it's thought that low fiber diet, constipation and obesity play a role..

      Now, Diverticulitis can either be uncomplicated or complicated. In uncomplicated cases, we first initiate a conservative treatment plan devoid of any surgical treatment. So, initial treatment in mild cases comprise of Antibiotics, bed rest and a liquid diet... But in moderate to severe cases, oral intake of liquid diet is avoided..
      For long-term treatment, a high-fiber diet is usually recommended..
